Helm Themes & Skins
Helm Themes and Skins: Overview

If you are tired of the standard Helm look - our enormous range of Helm Themes and Skins can make your company stand out from the crowd while giving your Helm Control Panel a fresh look.

Design Range

What are Helm Themes and Skins?
The Helm Themes and Skins are mini-products which are installed on your Helm control server. Once installed, they offer your customers a variety of interface styles and designs.

A Helm Theme is an "icon set/colour scheme". There are four Helm Themes included by default with Helm.

A Helm Skin is a "user interface". There is one Helm Skin included by default with Helm.

How do they work?
The Helm Themes and Skins are supplied as an automated installer - you simply run the installer on your Helm control server and the product will automatically be installed into Helm. Whenever a Helm update is released (stable), we will update all Themes and Skins to be compatible within a day - then simply download and run the latest Theme or Skin installer to update the product after updating Helm.

Download Now
Download: From the Design Range (current Helm compatible version: v3.2.16)
Licence Key: 0000-FREE-FREE-0000-1232


  • The Helm Themes and Skins always require the latest version of Helm Control Panel version 3

View Demonstrations

All products on this website are compatible and designed for Helm version 3 only, not Helm version 4; free downloads are unsupported and are no longer actively developed.